Sunday, March 06, 2011

Reason #9: T.M.I.(Too Many Infants!)

...and no, it isn't what you think. I'm not at all going to knock anyone's choice to start a family young. That ain't my style. My "thing" about it is 100% personal. It may even be a flaw I have to work on within myself. But, like I said, I need to list reasons that Facebook gives me negative vibes and, unfortunately, everyone's baby-making is making me an anxious wreck.

I've spoken a few times about the pressure I'm under as a 26 year old woman with a husband and a stable household and good income. It's as if people are confused as to why I don't have children (well, except for my fellow childless couples; they know what's up). No one is breathing down my neck or making me do anything against my will, of course, but it is a personal issue I can't quite get a handle on. When I read blogs of other moms (which I LOVE to do!), I get glimpses into women's lives that seem so fulfilled. It makes me happy for them and I thoroughly enjoy feeling as though I'm sharing in the experience. For some reason, though, Facebook friends who routinely post about what's going on in their past, present, and future reproduction ventures makes me question, well, everything!

This idea that maybe I'm crazy to feel fulfilled without children creeps in. Everyday things I do for myself feel selfish because there's 47 other people who post simultaneously about the things they did for others all day. Some posts even spin my brain into wondering if I'll never really have a true grasp on life unless I create one. I begin to second guess my whole existence! I know, I know. I already said it's probably a flaw within myself to even think this stuff. It is absolutely no one's fault. It isn't peer pressure, it's "me" pressure. But with so many people going through pregnancy after pregnancy and sharing details of their lives that seemingly discuss their life with said child, fetus, infant, etc., I hardly have anyone on the other side of the spectrum along with me to relate to on Facebook.

So, sorry Zuckerberg. Somewhere out in cyberspace is a chain of friends who lead lives I can relate to via Facebook status on a daily basis. My friend list just ain't one of them.

Next up... Reason #8: Your Mom Needs to S-T-F-U


  1. I have a kid and even I get sick of hearing every little detail about people's kids on facebook. I would be feeling the same way if I were you b/c it seems like everyone our age is poppin' out babies! (i write this as my current status talks about kye weaning from the paci...haha)

  2. I completely understand too!! Sometimes I go to post something about one of my kids, and purposely stop myself and try to come up with something different to say. LOL. It is hard when you are a mom (to 4 in my case) Everything in my life is linked with them. But I get sick of seeing posts all day about peoples kids, I always think, if you want to brag or talk about your kids so dang much, write a blog!! LOL I am a total hypocrite though, b/c I do it all the time!!
    But I don't think you are abnormal! I think it is awesome that you have chose to wait. And smart!! When you are ready to reproduce, you will!
