Friday, March 04, 2011

Happy Thoughts & Pixie Dust!

I finally have internet connection, can you tell?! Hooray!

Now, to start, I have good news and bad news! I normally pick bad news first so the good news can cheer me up but in this case, either is not going to get us very far so I'm starting with the good! So the good news? I have a LOT to catch you up on! I went to Disney World for the FIRST time last week AND we moved into our new house finally! Details and memories galore! The bad news, however, is, well, I'm not in the mood to post it all just yet! I'll get it all together I PROMISE! It will be worth the wait!

Today, though, I want to talk about something that has been much more important to me lately. Believe me, Disney was a HUGE life-altering experience, but something happened on the plane ride to Orlando that changed my entire outlook on life... and it has opened the door to some big changes that I was in desperate need of!

I read a book about positive thinking. Nothing special in it; no tricks or gimmicks or things to buy to turn your life around... just advice on how good ol' positive thinking is the key to success and happiness and negative thinking is, well, the opposite. As soon as I read that negative energy is not the result of my circumstances but the REASON for it, light bulbs started flashing everywhere in my head like paparazzi photographs. I am my only excuse for the way that I feel because I'm in charge of the feelings I project! Well, after that, I can honestly say even Disney World, in ALL its glory, seemed even brighter than I could ever imagine. As soon as I turned my frown upside down (literally!) I felt on top of the world... and the feeling has NOT stopped! It's amazing how many things I was stressing about or allowing myself to bring me down. As soon as I used the steps in the book to flip the situation on its good side, I felt silly for ever letting things get to me! And it hasn't been just a mood elevator. I'm seeing things with brand new eyes. I'm feeling things I haven't felt since I was young and blissful. And the hard, negative things that keep creeping their ugly head? They are getting easier and easier to recognize and deal with; just simple obstacles I have to shed to a brighter and better me.

So like I said, the book didn't instruct on any specifics. It didn't come with a manual of Do's and Don'ts. It said to just trust your instincts about what is positive for yourself and what isn't. I've been going about my everyday life as normal, all the while reversing and rewriting things in my head so that my outlook stays bright. Up until yesterday I hadn't hit any snags or even done things too drastically different until... the epiphany.

Like most people, my daily routine includes several glances of various updates on Facebook. It has been a phenomenon, if you will, with almost 100 million people partaking as of today. I love seeing people's pictures and staying in touch with old friends that I don't normally see or hear from in my every day life. I'm so very thankful for Facebook in so many ways and so habitually drawn to it that it has become, like I said, part of my daily routine. However, my daily routine is what I've been keeping a closer eye on for negativity I have to work on, remember? And just like you don't assume brushing your teeth or putting on socks is a threat to your happiness, I didn't even THINK about Facebook ever being a threat of negative energy to ruin my day. However, there it was. I've grown antennae for happy thoughts and pixie dust on my quest to filter out negativity. Wasn't I in for a shock when I realized something I would have normally said I enjoy was harboring a swamp of negativity that is bringing me down?! (Disclaimer: Again, the book didn't specify what you should and shouldn't have to lead a happy life. This Facebook epiphany is my own; I'm not saying it is negative for everyone's journey and hopefully it isn't in yours!)

So before I get trigger happy and delete my Facebook account, I'm going to sit down and really commit to the why's and how's of why my little negative radar is beeping uncontrollably when it senses Facebook activity. Afterall, Facebook has brought me a lot of joy in the past so I at least owe it a fair and reasonable departure. I put a great deal of thought into it and I've created my very own 10 day program I so lovingly am referring to as the "Two-Faced"-book Countdown. Each day I will explain one different reason as to why Facebook should be filtered out of my routine. Not only will this make me see why this decision itself is a positive one, it will serve as a reminder when on the tenth day I undoubtedly freak out before hitting the "enter" key as Facebook asks me "Are you SURE you want to delete your account?". Yes, Facebook, I'm sure...


Coming up... Day One. Reason #10: They're Going Down & They're Taking Me With Them!

(Oh, and I promise I haven't forgotten to keep you posted on Disney World and the new house... Spoiler Alert: it was UNFORGETTABLE!)

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