Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Cupcakes and Muffin Tops

Well it's been a few since I posted about going on a diet and tomorrow will be the end of my 3 weeks on Atkins so here's an update:

It's going great!

I've lost 11 lbs so far and my jeans already fit better! I'm not a huge fan of numbers on the scale, so jean and dress sizes are what I really focus on. I didn't realize 11 lbs was that big of a deal until I went dress shopping for a friend's wedding this Saturday. You know how when you shop you just grab the selections in your size and there's always one thing right before you go into the dressing rooms that would be perfect but you totally don't see yourself fitting into it? Well thankfully I grabbed that one "wishful thinking" dress and it was THE one! All the other ones I grabbed in my size didn't even fit anymore! Hooray for me!

Don't get me wrong, I'm still no where near "jealous-worthy" yet. You know, that magical size you wish you were so that others will be envious of YOU for a change. I said my jeans are fitting better which means my muffin top still exists, it just isn't AS noticeable. There's still a long way to go until I fit into those size 6 jeans I haven't worn since... well, never. I bought them on accident YEARS ago and they hang sadly in the back of my closet, losing hope they'll ever be worn every time I eat a cookie. Well don't worry, size 6 pants! I'm coming for ya!

And speaking of cookies... they are ALL I think about. Well, that's a lie. I'm also thinking about brownies, peanut butter ice cream, chocolate ANYTHING, and worst of all... CUPCAKES. I'm not even a sweet-tooth kinda gal! My guilty pleasures have always been potato chips and big macs. RARELY do I want anything sweet! But this no refined white flour, sugar, and lack of anything sweet altogether diet has got me dreaming about bakeries and endless supplies of raw cookie dough. Pictures of gourmet, colorful cupcakes are my new porn. I watch Food Network and salivate... literally SALIVATE while staring at the non-stop cake baking shows... and when you realize that just hearing the word "butter cream" makes you hot, shit gets real.

All that aside, however, I haven't cheated! Not once! I even survived the aftermath of the dreaded "monthly cycle" without so much as a chocolate chip. If I can accomplish that, I know I can do anything. But these cupcakes really are killing me and I want so badly to bake them... even if I don't eat one! I wish I knew if I can withstand that kind of pressure. If you know me, you know I LOVE to cook. Baking has never been a real specialty of mine, but I have been absolutely dying to play around with all these recipes. Should I risk it, though? I could always make them and give them away to other people like my classmates and my family... right?

What do you guys think? Will trying my hand at all these gourmet cupcake recipes curve my appetite... or my hips?

In the meantime, I'll test my other options and continue my parade of cupcake website porn... but just for the articles, of course.

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