Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgivin' Me a Headache

Jeez Louise, people, I need to update.

Actually, I'll be honest for a second. I haven't blogged because I swore I'd be positive and think happy thoughts, Peter Pan style and... well... this week it has been hard to do that. I've been in a piss-poor mood and our house is currently filled with snarls and hair-raising fights. And I'm not talking about the dogs. Yikes, I know. The only way I can describe it is a big ol' funk lingering over our house. Every little thing Chris and I do annoys the hell out of the other. I can always tell the level of pissed I've gotten all week by how many glasses I break. This week, I'm down three. My good beer pilsners, too, so you know I was over the edge. Yes, I'm a dish breaker. It's dramatic, wasteful, unnecessary, and an all out bitch move but, well, it's my thing. Better in the sink than at his head, right?


So yes, this is why I haven't updated. Plain and simple: I didn't have anything fun or positive to say. I can't even pinpoint where the fighting is coming from but I'm willing to bet some more stemware that it's holiday stress. Either way, things will smooth out soon and until they do, I'll just drink my Pabst Blue Ribbons out of coffee mugs.

And speaking of holiday stress, this will be my first year helping with Thanksgiving! (Yay? I think?)

I've been honing my culinary skillz (yes, with a "z" since I'm gangster and because an "s" would imply I was somehow trained) and I'm really excited to show them off to everyone. I'm making a Food Network themed offering that includes:

Guy Fieri's Chorizo Chickpea Sautee
Paula Dean's Green Bean Casserole
Alton Brown's Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Guy Fieri's Roasted Carrots and Cippolini Onions

and a wildcard Raspberry Truffle Tart with some techniques I learned WATCHING the Food Network.

Sounds delicious, right? Well, let's hope so. Here's what the tart looks like so far. It's got to do it's thing in the fridge over night so it doesn't have any garnish but ain't it beautiful?

I'm also organizing all my recipe supplies by what dish they go in so that tomorrow morning I can haul the goods to my mom's house. They are going to have to sit tight over there while I'm gone, though, because Chris and I have to be at his side of the family's for Thanksgiving at 1pm. Then we have to rush back and I have to start on dinner. My emotions about all this time-crunching and food-making is fading in and out from dread to excitement and then back again. Like a hot flash. Yes, an emotionally-driven, Thanksgiving-charged hot flash. Awesome.

I know I say this a lot to you, Moms, but seriously, you rock. If I had a kid (or worse, PLURAL KIDS) I would be in the fetal position by noon tomorrow rocking back and forth between swigs from a warm Jack Daniels bottle. What gets you through, I'm sure, is your overwhelming drive to make memories for your children that will last them a lifetime and I dig that. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited about finally being included in the Thanksgiving cooking tradition. But deep down, I'm sort of in it for the self-satisfaction of my family commending me for an amazing meal. Yes, I was hugged enough, I assure you. But who doesn't want a boost every now and again? So moms, again, I adore you and your ability to suffer through the ups and downs of the holidays in the name of spirit and tradition.

And as for me, if the task at hand gets to be too much, well, I'll at least be at my mother's house and can throw her dishes around for a change.

Less wasteful, no?

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