Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

The point of my blog is to be more positive. "Wag more, bark less" is an adopted mantra so that I keep from complaining or losing sight of all the good in things; both of which I have a habit of doing from time to time. I told myself I would never vent or blog negatively. I'm trying very hard to spin this current situation I'm in into something to observe at all angles and move on from. I do not plan on dwelling, or worse, letting myself down by ranting and raving. I will bark about this once, fellow readers, and then I will carry on for the better.

Firstly, it is not hard to be a good person. I don't mean charitable or nice or even compassionate... just a person that others can look at and go "I'm glad they are in my life". I think in this day and age of self-service and independence, people are losing sight of genuine human decency and manners. There are very few excuses for kindness to not be second nature to you. Friendliness makes the world go round. Whether its to the lady that pours your coffee or your own spouse, thoughtful consideration is what separates us from animals. If what I am saying seems like a lot to ask for, you are part of a huge problem.

With that said, I'm going on the record to say that by not possessing the mere good qualities that I simply expect of my own self, I'll kindly show you the theoretical door out of my life. When someone treats me with respect, they get mine ten fold. If someone makes me laugh, my new job is to make them laugh harder. If someone appreciates me, I show them consistently how I appreciate them. These are not things I am bragging about, people. This behavior is common sense. If you do not grasp the simple concept of give and take, please just sit in your house and avoid all human contact until you die alone. I don't ask for much, but if you can call me a friend because of the things I have done for you, just return the favor. If you don't, you are taking advantage of me... plain and simple. I'll happily stay out of your life. Everyone deserves people who makes their life meaningful if they themselves make others' life meaningful. If you aren't contributing to this very uncomplicated concept, get. the. fuck. out.

I don't think for a second that I'm being too harsh about this. I don't think I'm being big-headed when I say that I am a good person and deserve good people in my life. It is a privilege, not a right, to have people you can depend on.

There. Barking over. We will now continue with our regularly scheduled blogging.

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